Vodafone Passport Pack

Frequently Asked Questions

Need help understanding more about Passport Packs? Find lots of useful information here with the most frequently asked questions about Passport Packs.
Activate the Passport Pack through the MyVodafone App by clicking here.

What is Vodafone Passport Pack?

Vodafone Passport Pack is a roaming pack from Vodafone which gives you 4 GB of data, 100 minutes incoming calls Unlimited Inflight Roaming while roaming in 175+ countries for only QR100/Week. Vodafone also provide monthly Passport Pack that gives 16GB Roaming Data and 350 Roaming Minutes for QR 320/month.

Subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack from the addons section of MyVodafone app or by dialing *110*110#.

Prepaid customers can get it from the addon section if they have sufficient balance in their account or by recharging with a Vodafone Passport Pack recharge. All roaming recharges with full details are also available on the recharge page here.

How do I subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack?

You can subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack while you are in Qatar or abroad using My Vodafone App:

  • Select 'View Usage' on the homepage and select 'Add-ons'
  • Select 'Roaming'
  • Select 'Vodafone Passport Pack'
  • Select 'Activate'

You can also dial the activation code *110*110# or dial 111

Prepaid customers can activate the Passport Pack as a recharge from the recharge page here or dial the activation code *110*110# if you have sufficient balance in your account.

Which countries does Vodafone Passport Pack include?

Vodafone Passport Pack currently includes many of the frequently visited destinations from Qatar irrespective of the operator on which you roam.

Below is the list of applicable countries:

Afghanistan COTE D'IVOIRE        Indonesia Nepal South Korea
Albania Croatia Inflight Roaming -AeroMobile Netherlands Spain
Algeria Curacao Inflight Roaming - OnAir New Zealand Sri Lanka
Anguilla Cyprus Ireland Nigeria Sudan
Antigua and Barbuda Czech Republic Italy Norway Suriname
Argentina Denmark Jamaica Oman Sweden
Armenia Dominica Japan Pakistan Switzerland
Aruba Egypt Jersey Palestine Taiwan
Australia El Salvador Jordan Panama Tajikistan
Austria Estonia Kazakhstan Papua New Guinea Tanzania
Azerbaijan Fiji Kenya Philippines Thailand
Bahrain Finland Kuwait Poland Tonga
Bangladesh France Laos Portugal Trinidad and Tobago
Barbados French Guiana Latvia Republic of the Congo Tunisia
Belarus Georgia Lebanon Romania Turkey
Belgium Germany Lesotho Russia Turks and Caicos Islands
Bermuda Ghana Liechtenstein Rwanda Uganda
Bolivia Gibraltar Lithuania Saint Kitts and Nevis Ukraine
Bonaire Greece Luxembourg Saint Lucia United Arab Emirates
Bosnia and Herzegowina Greenland Macedonia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines United Kingdom
Brazil Grenada Malaysia Samoa United States
British Virgin Islands Guadeloupe Malta Saudi Arabia Uruguay
Bulgaria Guernsey Martinique Senegal Uzbekistan
Canada Guinea Bissau Mexico Serbia Vanuatu
CAPE VERDE Guyana Montenegro Seychelles Vietnam
Cayman Island Haiti Montserrat Sierra Leone Zambia
Chad Hong Kong Morocco Singapore South Africa
China Hungary Mozambique Slovakia Nauru
Colombia Iceland Myanmar Slovenia Botswana
Democratic Republic of the Congo India Brunei Burkina Faso Cambodia
Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador Swaziland Ethiopia
Faroe Islands Guinea Honduras Isle of Man Kyrgyzstan
Liberia Malawi Mali Nicaragua Puerto Rico

Do I need to manually select specific roaming service provider while roaming to enjoy the benefits of the Vodafone Passport Pack?

No, you will automatically receive the Vodafone Passport Pack benefits regardless of the service provider you choose.

How do I re-subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack?

You can re-subscribe at any time. You will receive an SMS when your data benefits are consumed or when the validity period has expired. If you consume additional data before the expiry date, the rate will be QR 1/1MB until the 7-day period is up, after which standard rates will apply. For standard rates please visit /roaming.

Vodafone Passport Packs can also be activated as a recharge in the roaming section of the recharge page here.

Can I use both Vodafone Passport Rate and Vodafone Passport Pack ?

Yes, you will benefit more if you use both together. Any roaming usage which is beyond the Vodafone Passport Pack allowance will be charged only at 75Dhs per minute, per SMS, or per MB when you travel in the included countries. /roaming

Can I activate Vodafone Passport Pack while roaming?

Yes, you can activate your Vodafone Passport Pack either from Qatar or in any of the countries where it is supported.

Subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack from the addons section of MyVodafone app or by dialing *110*110#

All roaming recharges with full details are also available in the roaming section on the recharge page here.

What should I do if I don’t receive a confirmation SMS?

If you didn't receive the confirmation SMS or if you need help while roaming, then chat with us through My Vodafone App. You can also call customer care on +974 77007111 for free.

If you are in Qatar, please call 111.

How do I know how much Data I have left in my Pack?

You can check remaining data in your account in My Vodafone App. You can also dial *129# to know the remaining data allowance in the Vodafone Passport Pack. You will receive an SMS when your allowance is consumed or when the validity period for the pack has expired. However, if you consume your data allowance before the expiry date, the rate will be QR 1/1MB until the 7- day period/expiry date is up, after which standard rates will apply.

What happens if I don’t use all the data allowance in my Pack?

If you don’t use the data allowance within 7 days from the activation date, the remaining balance will expire.

Where can I use the 100 Roaming Minutes From?

You can only use the 100 Roaming Minutes if you are in a Vodafone Passport Pack Country.

Are the new countries added to the Passport pack also added to the Passport Rate?

No, the new countries are only added onto the 1 week Vodafone Passport Pack (for both Consumer and Enterprise)

What can I use my 100 Roaming Minutes for?

The 100 minutes can be used to make any type of call in any passport country:
This includes:
Receiving Calls
Making Calls in the country you are in
Making Calls to any other country (yes any country)

To which destinations can I use my 100 Roaming Minutes?

You can use your 100 Roaming minutes to call any country in the world with the exception of Satellite or Premium Numbers

What happens when I run out of 100 Roaming Minutes?

After you have used all the 100 Roaming Minutes, you will be charged 1QR/Min for any type of call until the expiry of your Passport Pack.

When should I activate the Passport Pack?

Passport pack can be activated at any time, customers are advised to activate the pack the day they travel as to avoid any charges that they may incur before the pack gets activated in the destination country.

Where can I activate the Passport Pack?

Passport Pack can be activated from anywhere. However is only valid in the listed countries here.

Subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack from the addons section of MyVodafone app or by dialing *110*110#

All roaming recharges with full details are also available in the roaming section on the recharge page here. You can recharge for any roaming pack including Vodafone Passport Pack directly from myVodafone app or website using convinient payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay or your debit/credit card anytime, anywhere. Roaming recharges are also available at your closest recharge outlet and through online channels of major banks in Qatar.

When does the product expire?

The passport pack expires Midnight Qatar Time on the 7th day. i.e If the customer activates on Monday the 1st, the passport pack is valid until 23:59 on Sunday the 8th.

Can I opt in to the passport pack multiple times?

Yes. You can activate multiple passport packs at the same time

Can I activate a Passport Pack as a Prepaid customer?

Yes! Prepaid customers can recharge with Vodafone Passport Pack directly from MyVodafone app or website. Alternatively, dial the activation code *110*110# if you have sufficient balance in your account. All roaming recharges with full details are available in the roaming section on the recharge page here.

How can I recharge for a Passport Pack?

You can recharge for any roaming pack including Vodafone Passport Pack directly from MyVodafone app or website using convinient payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay or your debit/credit card. Roaming recharges are also available at your closest recharge outlet and through online channels of major banks in Qatar.

I don’t have enough balance, can I get roaming packs or Vodafone passport pack?

Yes! You can activate the Passport Pack as a recharge in the roaming section of the recharge page here. Alternatively, recharge your balance with sufficient funds and subscribe to Vodafone Passport Pack from the addons section of MyVodafone app or by dialing *110*110#