General Assemblies and Board Election

Only shareholders, whose names have been registered in the Company’s shareholder register with the Qatar Central Securities Depository issued on the day of the Annual General Meeting, are eligible to attend and vote, either by themselves, or by proxy.

A public notice is published in a local daily newspapers at least 21 days prior to the scheduled date of the assembly. This invitation constitutes a legal announcement to all shareholders without a need to send special invitations by post in accordance with the Commercial Companies Law No. (11) of 2015.

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (12 June 2017)

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (18 June 2014)

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (19 June 2013)

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (24 July 2012)

Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (12 June 2011)

Press Release

Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (28 June 2010)